Hi! I've returned!
This last days I've been making a lot of pictures, especially working and practicing with the moved ones. This is the result. Hope you'll like it.
Tomorrow I'm going to Florence, I'm really excited. Don't worry, I'll return with lots of pictures!!
See you.
Me gustan mucho las fotos, en especial la primera!
nice shoots! love the first picture :D
ResponderEliminarlucky girl, wish i could go to florence too. I'll be near to florence in january, tell me how it is! Can't wait to see the photos hehehe
I love these photos... I need a camera like yours, then I'd probably need to learn how to use it like you do haha
ResponderEliminarm'agradennnn moltisssiimmm! cada dia millorrrr cada dia moen ems carinyuuu!
ResponderEliminarHoney com ha anat x Florencia?
ResponderEliminarEl tema camera ara dubto, la vull per la qualitat de les fotos, però ara que he descobert un programa que me les deixa retocar no se si invertir la pasta en la camera... ho haig de meditar haha
Queda pendent: -botigues de 2a mà x bcn(ara no tinc diners...)
- sessió de fotos amb la Neus (això m'ha molat veus haha)
- I mirada d'estrelles (o no) a casa meva!
lovly pictures ! love <3